Set on the top of a hill,in the midst of tall deciduous trees PM SHRI KV, Jalgaon situated in UMAVI Nagar Jalgaon . The Vidyalaya follows the NCERT syllabus and prepares the students for All India Secondary School Examination Class X &Class XII conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi. This is a co education Vidyalaya having classes from Class I to Class XII with one section each. The intake in every section is 40
The Vidyalaya has highly qualified regularly trained faculty who follow the latest method of Curriculum Transaction suggested by the Government of India from time to time with an intention to promote National Integration and moral values. The education imparted in the
Vidyalaya is bilingual Hindi and English. Kendriya Vidyalaya, NMU, Jalgaon was established in 1996, which is one of the reputed educational institute of Jalgaon which is running under Institution of Higher Learning North Maharashtra University Jalgaon, Dist. Jalgaon, Maharashtra State.
Name of Loksabha Constituency : JALGAON
Name of Member of Parliament : Mrs Smita Wagh